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architecture 4 us

architecture 4 us

Green Architecture of Prefab C6.2 by LivingHomes

Posted: 25 May 2012 07:53 AM PDT

Another product of LivingHomes has been launched, called C6.2. It also has green architecture, with some sustainable features involved. This prefab house is a smaller version of C6 type which had been launched before.

Green Architecture of Prefab C6.2 by LivingHomes 1.jpeg Green Architecture of Prefab C6.2 by LivingHomes

This sustainable home has ttwo bedrooms and bathrooms. It was designed to fulfill the needs of having smaller house compared to the C6 type, with high energy efficiency and affordable price. It costs only approximately  USD 145 per sq ft excluding the transportation cost. It can be assembled less than two months in the factory and only needs a day to install it, once the foundation is ready. All costs can be controlled below USD 200,000.

Some sustainable features has been provided for this sustainable architecture house. It has Cork flooring. Passive solar system provides good lighting for the interior, supported also by smart lighting system that can be controlled by smartphone. Grey water system and low flow fixtures will provide good water conservation. Materials are chosen from no-VOC materials. Wastes from construction process are recycled.

Green Architecture of Prefab C6.2 by LivingHomes 2 Green Architecture of Prefab C6.2 by LivingHomes

This house, with its prefab technique can be a good solution for green architecture with high sustainability.

Green Architecture of Prefab C6.2 by LivingHomes 2 150x150 Green Architecture of Prefab C6.2 by LivingHomes Green Architecture of Prefab C6.2 by LivingHomes 3 150x150 Green Architecture of Prefab C6.2 by LivingHomes Green Architecture of Prefab C6.2 by LivingHomes 1.jpeg 150x150 Green Architecture of Prefab C6.2 by LivingHomes



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