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Should I Short Sale My Clearwater Beach Condo or Home in 2012?

Posted: 01 Apr 2012 06:19 AM PDT

Clearwater Beach Short Sale Questions and Answers

Should I Short Sale My Clearwater Beach Condo or Home Now?

Clearwater Beach FL – There’s a lot to consider before you decide to do a Clearwater Beach short sale. In my last post, Is 2012 the year to sell my beach home or condo?, I said you should call us to receive our free Clearwater Beach Real Estate Market Analysis Report before you decide to sell your property, so you will have an idea of what your property is worth, and you will know if the real estate market is going up or down in the near future, which effects your marketing strategy. I also said that our Clearwater Beach Real Estate Market Analysis Report takes into consideration the: Clearwater Beach Real Estate Market Values, Clearwater Beach Real Estate Prices, Clearwater Beach Residential Real Estate Market, and Clearwater Beach Real Estate Market Forecast.

Today, I will answer the question you are probably asking yourself right now if you owe more on your Clearwater Beach condo or home than it is worth:

Should I 'Short Sale' My Clearwater Beach Property in 2012?

In 2011, more banks signaled a willingness to allow property owners to work with Realtors to 'Short Sale' their properties, as Clearwater Beach Realtors we are seeing that as well.  Now that those banks like Chase, Wells Fargo, Citibank and more have recognized this process as a better alternative than the traditional home foreclosure process.

Type Of  Property Sale % of Value

  • Non-Distressed 100%
  • Short Sale 79%
  • Foreclosure 71%

—RealtyTrac 02/2012

Why the big difference in selling Clearwater Beach short sales or foreclosures? This comes about in part because the banks are realizing that it makes more sense to sell the Clearwater Beach property at a higher price than they could receive from the foreclosure and subsequent bank owned, REO sale. In addition, the banks are recognizing that the foreclosure process has a tendency to blight entire real estate areas contributing to the lowering of everyone's Clerawater Beach condo and home property values for several years. Which in turn lowers their return when they foreclose on these and sell even more properties – just a bad cycle.

"We continued to see a shift toward pre-foreclosure sales, or short sales….That trend will likely show up in more local markets in 2012 as lenders recognize short sales as a better option for many of their non-performing loans." —RealtyTrac 02/2012

If you think your Clearwater Beach condo or home’s current market value (what you could sell it for today)  is less than the amount you owe on your property, then call me to discuss your situation. I will create a Market Analysis report for your Clearwater Beach property and answer your questions about the Florida short sale and the foreclosure processes.

For today, I will leave you with some things to think about as you consider

  • The choice between going through a foreclosure or calling me to do a Clearwater beach short sale:
  • What is the difference between a Clearwater beach foreclosure and a short sale on your home or condo?

There are many points to consider, but I will focus on one key element in my answer today; your credit rating.

With a Short Sale: There is a negotiated settlement with your bank(s). Your credit will be bruised, but it will not be ruined, you will have no foreclosure attorney fees, you will have the peace of mind knowing that you can turn this problem over to our team to handle, and know that you can probably buy another home in about two-years.

With a Foreclosure: There is a court hearing, and a court settlement. Your credit is damaged for the long-term, there are usually attorney fees, and you may be able to buy another home in about ten-years.

Can You Help Me With a Clearwater Beach Short Sale?

We can help you. We are Clearwater Beach Realtors who know how to assist you in selling your home and getting out-from-under this difficult situation. Just know that we are here to help you.

What Can I expect If I Work With You To Do a Short Sale?

Our experienced team will take over once you make the decision to do a  Clearwater Beach short sale. You will have the peace of mind knowing we handle all of the details and work with your bank(s) to negotiate a short sale, so you can move on with your life.

How Do I Contact You?

We  have a site with videos and more explaining Clearwater Beach Short Sales and also invite you to call us at 727-422-8901, or if you feel more comfortable asking questions via email, then email us at because we are here to help you, and want to make sure you get the answers to your questions.

Give us a call today or email us to save your credit,

Call: 727-422-8901 or

email us at

We are Clearwater Beach Realtors who offer real estate services. We are not attorneys or accountants. We have attorneys and accountants on our team who offer their professional services. We work as a team to do short sales.

Jack Haydon, Realtor

Charles Rutenberg Realty

Number One Real Estate Company in Pinellas County


Phone: 727-422-8901

P. S., If you would like to receive a Real Estate Market Analysis for your property, then just click on the link below and leave your information. I will perform a Real Estate Market Analysis for your property free-of charge and email it for your review:

Website link is here:


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