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The Real Estate Bloggers

The Real Estate Bloggers

Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities in United States in 2010

Posted: 22 Nov 2010 03:23 AM PST

When you are trying to sell your home, crime statistics are a major selling point. The feeling is, the safer the neighborhood the easier the sale. Well, agents in these cities are feeling the pressure as dangerous crime is most common in this top 10 list.

St. Louis is the leader this year knocking Camden out of the top spot. It was a close race, but St. Louis seemed to fought it’s way to the front.

Funny, the St. Louis mayor has been touting the city’s crime rate has been going down for 3 years, now they end up at the top of the list. These surveys do a great deal to keep politicians honest about actual crime in their community and probably keep the residents safer when the spotlight is on them.

One interesting note in the survey is that Chicago, Illinois is not in the survey as their information was not available. The city was in the news constantly this summer as the murder capital of the United States. Maybe that is why the information was not submitted.

So here we go, your most dangerous cities in the USA.

Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities in United States in 2010

  1. St. Louis, Missouri
  2. Camden, New Jersey
  3. Detroit, Michigan
  4. Flint, Michigan
  5. Oakland, California
  6. Richmond, California
  7. Cleveland, Ohio
  8. Compton, California
  9. Gary, Indiana
  10. Birmingham, Alabama

See where your city ranked in the full list.

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Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities in United States in 2010

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