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architecture 4 us

architecture 4 us

Passive House by Karawitz Architecture

Posted: 29 Oct 2010 12:27 AM PDT

A passive house was designed by Karawitz Architecture.  This house became the first house in the parisian region that received the European labeled certification from PHI (Passiv Haus Institut), and was labeled as the best low consumption energy house in France.

Passive House 1 Passive House by Karawitz Architecture

The two sides of the house face the south and the north side. The north side is closed to minimize the energy lost, while the south side is opened to maximize the sun light. The structure of this house is built from prefabricated massive wooden panels, covered by second skins made from untreated bamboo materials. This coating, that becomes grey with time, has been inspired from the typical barns in this region.

The bamboo skins cover almost whole parts from the north side, the windows through the roof. For the south side, identical shutters cover the windows, provide light and shadow during the day and night.

For energy supply, photovoltaic panels are available at the roof. The only concrete part of this house is the fondation slab.

Passive House 26 Passive House by Karawitz Architecture

This house has two levels, and more likely a doll house, as a lot of big windows available in the front side, to maximize the natural lighting. The wooden panels are not painted, creating an exotic environment in the interior side.

Passive House 1 150x150 Passive House by Karawitz Architecture elevation 150x150 Passive House by Karawitz Architecture Floor plan 150x150 Passive House by Karawitz Architecture interior 1 150x150 Passive House by Karawitz Architecture interior 2 150x150 Passive House by Karawitz Architecture interior 3 150x150 Passive House by Karawitz Architecture Passive House 26 150x150 Passive House by Karawitz Architecture Passive House 27 150x150 Passive House by Karawitz Architecture section 150x150 Passive House by Karawitz Architecture



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